Hire Smarter

Expedite your hiring process, hire the best candidates faster with less human resource problems by using TraitSetToo to measure human behavior and better predict how a candidate will perform on the job.

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You already have online job applications…what if you had a crystal ball to know how the applicants will behave on the job?

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Every applicant is different and possesses different Behavior DNA, which ONLY Traitset® TOO! measures for you.

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Add TraitSet TOO! To your online applications to know behaviors:

Work Ethic Integrity

Sales Potential

Leadership Management

Antagonistic Behavior

Money Math

Customer Service

General Cognitive

Every applicant is different and possess different Behavior DNA, which ONLY Traitset TOO! measures for you.

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Human Resource Executive

Employees with Superior Behavior DNA cause less problems: skipping work, stealing, lying, customer issues, high maintenance employee issues, turn over.

IT Executive

TraitSet TOO! is easy to integrate with your existing program. Your server or ours. IT adds TraitSet TOO! to the existing online job application to drive Superior Employees to the business.

Operations Executives

Employees are your biggest asset & investment, Hire those with Superior Behavior DNA
Hire Superior Employees to improve Profits
Superior Employees ➤ $$$

Hire Smarter With TraitSet TOO!

Expedite your hiring process, hire the best candidates faster with less human resource problems by using TraitSetToo to measure human behavior and better predict how a candidate will perform on the job.

What happened to Work Ethic in the USA?

Back in the day children were expected to help their parents do common chores around the farm, family business or at home.

As society became increasingly more industrialized and service based, personal wealth grew, and time became a factor, so people began to hire others to do many of these tasks for them, this meant children spent less time helping their parents and they began filling those hours with recreational pursuits.

Today employers everywhere are complaining about the work ethic of the emerging workforce. Watch the video to learn more.

Employers are Entitled Too

The video montage you’re about to see features actual employers sharing their true thoughts and feelings.

In a perfect world, business leaders would employ a workforce that’s engaged, enthused, and ethically unassailable. The reality, of course, is that the new emerging workforce is streetwise and techno-savvy, but they’ve not been taught how to succeed in the workplace, at home, or at school.